A decrease in visual acuity by 20% or more in both eyes or in one eye.

In medicine, it is called amblyopia. The most effective treatment is done by closing the eye that sees well in childhood (especially under the age of 9) and practice the other eye.

How is Neurovision Treatment Applied?
A special CD package program is given to the patient, who is determined to be suitable for neurovision therapy. Treatment consists of about 30-40 sessions.

Sessions are held every other day. Each session takes approximately 30-40 minutes. The first session is carried out by the ophthalmologist in the clinic.

Other sessions can be applied at home or at work if there is a suitable environment. The treatment is carried out in a darkened quiet room, sitting about 1.5 meters from the computer screen.

After a few sessions, the system creates a special homework for the patient. The performance of the person in the sessions can be monitored by his doctor. As a result of regular sessions and doctor’s controls, the expected result can be obtained in about 3 months.

Advantages of Neurovision Therapy

The most effective treatment method of amblyopia up to 9 years old is to close the better vision eye and practice the other eye. After 9 years old lazy eye has no treatment other than neurovision treatment.

  • It is a form of non-surgical and drug-free treatment.
  • There is no risk and no side effects for the patient.
  • Its effect is proven and it is FDA approved.
  • Application is easy, application can be done at home or at work.