It is a colored map that is used to evaluate the anterior and posterior surface of the cornea and is mapped to the cornea in the form of interlocking rings and created with the help of a computer according to the perpendicularness (keratometry value) of the cornea. As the steepness increases on this map, the color shifts to red. ORBSCAN CORNEA TOPOGRAPHY is used in NİVGÖZ and makes very important measurements regarding the anterior surface, posterior surface, corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, corneal diameter and corneal refractive power of the cornea. Evaluation of the posterior surface of the cornea should be done especially in patients who will be EXCIMER LASER.

In this way, posterior KERATOCONUS is diagnosed and accidental administration of EXCIMER LASER is prevented.

Thanks to the cornea topography, EXCIMER LASER can be done safely. It is also a very important measurement for the diagnosis and treatment of keratoconus, in the treatment of LRI to correct astigmatism in cataract surgery, CORNEAL RING treatment, CROSSLINK treatment and the diagnosis and treatment of cornea related diseases.