It is the process of measuring intraocular pressure. It is measured with 4 different methods, one with the finger and the other with the instrument. It is a method that informs us as soon as possible in terms of diagnosis and follow-up of glaucoma patients.

Digital Tonometry

With the eyes closed and the patient looking down, the physician presses the eye with two index fingers and creates a slight buckling in the globe. It gives information roughly, is a process that requires experience.

Precipitation Method / Indentation tonometry / schiötz tonometry

It is applied in a supine position with a special tool called Schiötz tonometry and with topical anesthesia. The result obtained by attaching additional weights is converted to mmHg with a special nomogram. It is preferred especially in pediatric patients who cannot cooperate.

Applanation tonometry of golting (Straightening Method)

It is the most sensitive method used to measure eye pressure. It is applied while the patient is examined by a biomicroscope. It is a very short but sensitive method. In NIVGÖZ, eye pressure of all patients is routinely measured by pneumatic (air) tonometry, and if necessary, applanation tonometry is used. In all patients suspected of glaucoma, measurement should be done with applanation tonometry.

Pneumatic (cool) tonometry

The cornea is flattened with the air blown into the patient’s eye, and the reflected air is detected by instrument sensors and gives a measurement in mmHg. Since it is easy to use and does not come into contact with the patient, there is no risk of infection.